Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. Share one fun thing you did last week, while the Hodgepodge was on 'spring break'.
Last week I went shopping for some summer sportswear.  I found a lot of sales, and got several outfits to wear to the gym.

2.  April 10th is National Sibling you have siblings, and if so are you close? Share a favorite story featuring one or all of your siblings. If you don't have siblings, did you ever wish you did?
I have a bunch of siblings--3 brothers, 3 sisters.  We are all pretty close except my youngest sister.  She is the lone ranger.  I was the oldest and an aspiring chef--I had my sister 4 yrs younger than me taste test all my mud pies.  She loves to garden and work in the dirt--can I claim responsibility?

3. Is it important to you to 'buy American'? Why or why not? How much of an effort do you make to 'buy American'? If you're not American, insert your own country in the blank. 
I am more quality and cost conscious than country of origin.  If the products are equal, I will buy American.

4. Besides The Bible, what book has impacted your spirituality in some way?
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren--here are no accidents---God planned everything and everyone. Therefore, every human has a divine purpose, according to God's master plan.

5. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes.  Do you find rainy days calming or depressing?  When were you last caught in a rainstorm? What's blooming in your neck of the woods today?
Last night we had a little rain storm preceded by a big dust storm  leaving a layer of mud all over the car--the line at the car wash was around the block.  Very depressing.

All the citrus trees are blooming  the air smells wonderful!

6. What's your favorite yellow food?
I love corn and lemon sherbet. 

7. April is National Poetry Month...what's a poem that holds special meaning for you, and why is it special?
I love all kinds of poetry.  It would be hard to pick my favorite.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I am enjoying the A-Z challenge blogs.  I am writing about some of my character traits--not all good, sorry to say.  But it is challenge to take an introspective look at myself.  I have visited so many great blogs.

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